Friday, October 9, 2009

Everyone around me has got a stable job and a child. Me? Do I have to? Do we?

Hey father, do you know?
I think I…

I mean...
I’m sure I…

Listen, father! I’ll never grow.

It’s not all your fault.
Don’t blame much mamma, too!
Careful with the creator.
As always,
with this he’s got nothing to do.

I’ll take it like a man, father.
So you do!

I couldn’t become what you are not.
Nor do I have what you couldn’t have got.
Your great plan has come to an end
I’m far from being what I was meant.

I know, father,
you didn’t plan it.
It was a centuries-old design.
You just played your part,
instead of resign.

Do you remember the name
of your grandfather’s father?
Isn’t that a shame?

Right, you were never told about it,
as my would-be son
would have never heard of your father’s.

So? Is it worth it, father?
It’s been a burden too heavy.
You gave me not only what you had
but everything you couldn’t have, too.

I tried.
Mama knows it, I tried.
I tried, father,I tried.
Damn it, I tried.
So hard, I tried.
I almost went there.
I always did.
Always almost…
Always almost…

And they were always there,
at the other end
with a stretched hand
to pull me over.
Waiting for mine…
You see, father, waiting for mine...
there was always a stretched hand…
waiting and waiting..
. and waiting

I never reached for the other end, father.
I fell in love with the endless road
on which my shoulders became so broad
under the weight of your…
Under the weight of our centuries-old burden.

The road has come to an end.
The road is the end
My road
My end
With my burden
On my shoulders

I’m sorry, father,
there will be no one to forget your name.

But now let’s return to the game
and pretend everything is the same
mama is sure I’ll have fame
What heavenly magic is she cooking again on that flame....?

Hey Father, do you know?
I think I…
I mean...
I’m sure I…

Listen, father! You never know

[March - 23 - 2009, BE]

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